Odd snack foods

Odd snack foods

On weekends sometimes my husband and I don’t eat lunch or dinner. We have brunch out every Saturday and then usually have a late lunch/early dinner so end up without one of those meals a lot of the time. Sometimes I’ll get to about 8 or 9pm and feel a bit peckish so will grab a snack.

Last weekend was one such occasion. I got to about 9pm on Saturday and wanting a quick snack I grabbed a punnet of cherry tomatoes, much to the derision of my husband.

Tell me I’m not alone in eating tomatoes as a snack food!

Do you have any odd snack choices that you are made fun of for eating? Please share and make me feel better about my tomatoes!

Fox in Flats Style Dare: September


It’s back! Andrea from Fox in Flats has created another wonderful month of style dares for September. You can check out all the details on the Style Dare here.

I love the Fox in Flats Style Dare. It’s a great way to get inspired about what clothes you’ve already got and come up with new outfits that you might never have imagined.

My favourite part of the Style Dares though is the community that has built up around them. There are some very lovely ladies that I have ‘met’ on Instagram thanks to this Style Dare and the camaraderie that exists around these dares is amazing. Everyone is so encouraging and complimentary, as well as giving me some great new outfit ideas and some awesome new bloggers to follow.

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Month in review: August


August has been a pretty busy month here on my little blog. I switched over to WordPress (and to my own domain name) earlier this month and it’s been a little bit of a learning curve but I’m really liking it here.

As we have come to the end of the month (where did that time go?) I thought I’d do a little highlights post for the month of some of my top posts. This is also a great place to catch up if you’re new to my blog (welcome!).

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Five things I’m loving this Friday


Back for another Friday to share five things I am loving today. It is almost the weekend – so close I can just about taste it!

Canberra is due for a beautiful weekend of sunny 17 degree weather which I’m really looking forward to. Stu and I are planning our usual Saturday morning routine (brunch!) followed by heading to a friends house to watch the Knights (Stu’s team) play the Eels (his friends team). Sunday will be all about the relaxing, me trying to get rid of this cold once and for all, and maybe a little bit of gardening to get our yard in better shape in time for spring.

My five things I’m loving today are:

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What I’m reading: The White Queen series

I’m starting to read more fiction. I have always loved reading but I have just always been more into history/biography (nerd at heart here). I’ve read the ‘classics’ but I always get stuck on modern fiction because, honestly, a lot of it really sucks! Or maybe I’m just really fussy, who’s to know?
I really like reading books in a series because if the first is really good, I’m guaranteed another couple of books that I’m going to like. A Song of Ice and Fire (a.k.a Game of Thrones); the Divergent trilogy; and Harry Potter are all great examples of this!
I’d read The Other Boleyn Girl by Philippa Gregory about a year ago so I thought I would enjoy The White Queen series. I used to hate historical fiction because I love history so much and the inaccuracies and ‘creative licence’ would really irritate me but I’ve grown to appreciate and even, dare I say, like it.
This series covers ‘The Cousins War’ period in English history, based around the Plantagenets, predecessors to the Tudors. I really like the Tudor England period and find it really interesting so it was nice to read something set just before all that to give some more context.

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Treat yourself (or: what I do when I’ve had a rubbish day at work)

I had a less than great day at work yesterday. Nothing to do with my actual job (which I love) but more to do with people being difficult and making me feel bad for doing my job. It actually made me feel really bad about myself and really got to me.

Sometimes people suck. But moving on.

To make myself feel better about my average day (after having a bit of a vent to my husband – there may have been some princess tears) I did some things just for me:

1. Large glass of red wine

Red wine

Sometimes a glass of wine is a need after a long, hard day at work. Even just the mental cue of unwinding with a glass of wine is helpful to move on from the frustrations of the day.

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September photo a day

It’s almost the end of August and I have managed to not miss a day of photo a day this month! Go me!

The list for September is now out (I can’t believe it’s almost September – this year is going way too quickly!) To find all the details about what photo a day is or how to play, check out the post by photo a day (and Little Moments app) creator Chantelle from Fat Mum Slim here. This list is pretty cool because they’re all suggestions from the photo a day community.

FMS Photo a day September list

There are always a couple each month that stymy me and I struggle to come up with something, let alone something ‘good’ or ‘creative’ which is usually where I come unstuck. But I have persevered through and taken some potentially unlovely photos, but I have enjoyed the challenge (for the most part). ‘Repetition’, ‘remember’ and ‘loud’ already look challenging for next month, but I’m sure I’ll come up with something.

I’m excited to keep going with my commitment to not miss any days for this challenge. 

Are you playing along with the photo a day? You can see all my photos for the challenge on my Instagram account (@lifeatnumberfive). 

Birthday wrap up

It was my 27th birthday yesterday and while I enjoy celebrating my birthday, I am more inclined to do something low-key (in keeping with my homebody nature). And that is exactly what I did, I had a lovely quiet weekend at home with my family.
My parents and brother came to stay with Stu and I for the weekend which was fun, I like having my family come to stay (in no small part because it means I don’t have to drive to Sydney to see them).

My mum took me shopping as my birthday present on Saturday and bought me some lovely new clothes, and these Peter Alexander Star Wars pj’s that I am absolutely loving.


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The Week in Pictures

The Week in Pictures

It’s been a pretty good week (horrible cold aside!).

It’s my birthday today so that is always going to make this week pretty good. I had Thursday off work on flex, as I had accrued a bit too much and my boss was in Sydney for the day, so I spent a glorious day lazing around on the couch and reading. A day well spent.

I got a haircut this week, and my hair went from this:



to this:



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